Mandja MO.0.0.35843

Play this virtual instrument

Click on the keys to hear the sound of the xylophone. It works on both desktop and touchscreen devices.
Smartphones and tablets by scanning the QR code.
On touchscreens, you can also play multiple notes simultaneously by touching the keys with multiple fingers.
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© RMCA Tervuren - J.-M. Vandyck
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© RMCA Tervuren - J.-M. Vandyck
Click image to open full window

The keyboard is mounted on a box-frame with an empty bottom. It has a vernacular name 'manja'.

Acquisition date
Acquisition method
Acquisition location
Gwandabula, Mongala province
Description More info

Further reading: Jean Omasombo Tshonda, Sud-Ubangi: Bassins d'eau et espace agricole, Tervuren: AfricaMuseum Tervuren, 2013, p. 117.